YouTube - Legoshire Hot Pots He's Turned Emo
Thanks, Sophie.
A selection of things Toby Scott found interesting at some point in the day. Plus stuff about babies. What noisy cats are we.
posted by Toby Scott at 1/01/2008 07:25:00 PM
Very happily married to the truly wonderful Angela, and stern, forbidding father to the unstoppable Elizabeth and Alexandra.
Currently I am Director of Communication and Campaigns for The Methodist Church of Great Britain. Any opinions expressed here are mine alone and not the Church's.
I also write for the Guardian sometimes. (Once using the rest of my name). Here's a couple more. And another one or two
I'm from Blackburn, and grew up in Ribchester. I went to school in Blackburn and then Colorado for a year. I now live here (on the right hand.)
I support Blackburn Rovers, and go to the movies
In the summer I often go here.
You can also find out about my sisters Sophie and Kate. Sophie takes pictures of people's brains - see mine here
To read what I read, check out the links below
To e-mail me, try dubious @ tobyscott co uk but remove the spaces and add some punctuation first. I am particularly keen to hear from anyone I was at school.