The things you could do
"It seems to me the tasks which are the most time consuming during the year and which can be delegated are the admin work, primarily bookings admin as well as more general stuff such as arranging coach, booking toilets etc etc. Also the accounting/treasurer side of things. It is very much like running a small business and having these tasks looked after frees up the holiday leader to recruit and lead his team."
"What I would be looking for is a good solid administrative base. I need to have a very good administrator/treasurer. Jo may be in the picture and I
have another possible contact. In addition I need someone to deal completely with the kitchen and catering as I have no knowledge of how the
food ordering is done.
Aside of that, the activities, spiritual programme, transport and JO leadership are broadly in hand. I need some longer term support for running
of advance guard and the running of the site itself in terms its maintenance and long-term future.
That broadly leaves me with the job of finding the staff team and liaising with YFC. Although I need to lighten my load to do the work, it is not my
intention to delegate a job and then abstain all responsibility for it. I know it will need my oversight to a greater or lesser degree."
Now you know. Can you help?